"The Stewardship of Your Treasure"
We have used the Advent calendar for
more than 20 years as an, more-or-less,
organized way of focusing our
attention on the meaning of the birth of
Jesus. On each of the four Sundays
preceding Christmas the emphasis is on
one of the “gifts” that came to us with
the Incarnation (Hope, Peace, Joy,
Love) and then on Christmas Eve we
celebrate the birth of Jesus, Immanuel.
Christian Symbols
First, and most important, symbols stand
for something, but they are not the thing
itself. Symbols are used to enable us to
give expression to ideas or things which
are difficult to describe in words. They
also become a kind of “short hand” for
the actual object or event. Symbols are
different from pictures; for example, you
have seen many pictures portraying the
last supper with Jesus and the disciples
gathered around the table, but a symbol
of the last supper might be a chalice,
bread, or grapes.
In general, symbols are made to look
plain, sometimes even crude, rather than
beautiful so as to not detract from the
meaning– in this case, the object
symbolized is important, but the artist’s
skill is not. We encounter symbols often
in our lives. As an example, the
“pedestrian crossing” sign doesn’t use an
actual picture of a person, but, rather, a
simple stick figure which conveys the
message much more clearly. Of course,
in our technological age we are all
acquainted with icons (symbols) on our
phones, computers, and in our cars. In
the past, many evangelicals utterly
rejected any Christian symbolism
because of the apparent misuse by some
church groups – there is a danger that the
symbol might become more important
than what it symbolizes, and even
worshiped. However, viewed correctly,
symbols are an important means of
conveying knowledge in a very clear,
concise, and unique manner.
An appropriate symbol for the first
Sunday of Advent is “the sunrise” in
reference to Luke 1:78, 79, where,
quoting Isaiah 9:2 and speaking of Jesus,
the writer says, “...because of the tender
mercy of our God, by which the rising
sun will come to us from heaven to shine
on those living in darkness and in the
shadow of death, to guide our feet into
the path of peace.” The KJV uses the
old, and descriptive, word, “dayspring”
for sunrise. At the birth of Jesus, the
“Light of the World” came into His
world to bring life and light to those who
were lost. He was, and is, the HOPE of
all who live in the shadow of death. His
birth was truly the dawning of a new age
– the “Son-rise,” as it were!
Welcome to
the Morning Worship of the
College Heights Baptist Church
on December the third, 2023
The First Sunday of Advent: HOPE
Service begins at 10:30 AM
But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord,
I wait for God my Savior;
my God will hear me.
Micah 7:7 (NIV)
Prelude with Announcements
“Whosoever Will”
Welcome & Announcements
Lentz Upshaw
Angel Tree Video
Advent Video
Lighting the Candle of Hope and Prayer
Mission Video
Aaron & Eve Wilson
“I Am Resolved”
“Living for Jesus”
“The Great Pursuit”
“The Stewardship of Your Treasure” Robert Murphy
(2 Corinthians 8:1-8)
“Take My Life, and Let it Be Consecrated”
Romans 11:33,36
He was created of a mother whom He created.
He was carried by hands that He formed.
He cried in the manger in wordless infancy.
He, the Word, without whom all human eloquence is mute.
9:15 am Bible Study Classes
10:30 am Morning Worship live and online
Nursery is provided during worship
for preschool-aged children.
6:00 pm Hour of Prayer
9:30 am Ladies Bible Study (here & via Zoom)
6:45 pm Conversational English Classes
7:30 pm Young Women’s Bible Study
at 2140 College Heights Rd.
8:00 am Ladies Accountability Group
Announcements, etc.
Angel Tree Families for Christmas
Once again we are working with Prison
Fellowship Ministries to provide Christmas
gifts for the children of an incarcerated
parent. We have four families with ten
children, ages 4-17. The tags for the gifts
are posted on the bulletin board in the foyer
(to the left as you leave). We will need the
gifts purchased, wrapped, and returned to
the church office by Saturday, Dec. 16th.
Life with Christ is an endless hope,
without him a hopeless end.
All-Church Open House
Sunday, Dec. 17th
This will be a “pot luck” dinner and you
are asked to bring one of your favorite
dishes to share. We will meet in
Fellowship Hall immediately after
worship and continue until about 2:00.
Beverages will be furnished.
John Ball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410-8168
Scott Bowman . . . . . . . 936-718-6182
Jerry Lawson . . . . . . . . 405-788-1317
John Mixer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410-2365
George Wyatt . . . . . . . . . . . . 587-7671
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
Through this offering, the IMB is
purposeful, strategic, and laser-focused on
reaching the least-reached people groups on
the planet. Those who are sent to the front
lines in this work deserve our unwavering
loyalty, our undying support, our unyielding
commitment. T hey are your
missionaries.We are the ones holding the
ropes for them. Let’s commit ourselves
anew to joining them in the task and,
together, reach the nations. Our church’s
goal this year is $4,000, all of which goes to
missionary support.
Business Meeting
Next Sunday
In the Church Parlor immediately following
the worship service.
2320 Anderson Avenue
email: office@collegeheightsbaptist.org
website: collegeheightsbaptist.org
facebook: college heights baptist manhattan
Lentz Upshaw, pastor